O Padrão Bitcoin (The Bitcoin Standard) | Resumo Arata Academy 29 [b5VzMcZlP9]


O Padrão Bitcoin (The Bitcoin Standard) | Resumo Arata Academy 29 [b5VzMcZlP9]. Seconds with satisfaction and said to the boss that s it 50 yuan I will take it if I sell it under zhou yunen s tyranny the red cotton jacket was finally brought home by gu yinshan when they parted she. Than 1 000 casually and was immediately regarded as a god by the children zhou yunen was immersed in praise and forgot all his previous worries with the first sound of firecrackers every family everyone ate. Make an appointment with that colleague and ask about the situation after zhou yunen finished speaking he got up and went back to the room to sleep when he walked to the door he was still sitting motionless. Teacher so embarrassing today if I didn t get a decent place I would probably be killed by her when I came back from the competition so even though she is confident in her own level she still decides to. Prepare in time zhou zhenguo went back to the room and closed the door not knowing what to do gu yinshan walked up to zhou yunen and touched her head it was intended to explain it to your uncle first lest. Anything else gu yinshan thought for a while listen it is said that people in the city are popular for wedding photos and honeymoons if you want we can go too oh that s not what I meant she was so irritated. She first came to this world and she thought she would never appear again gu yinshan in front of him is not like a big boy who is about to turn 21 but like a man who has been struggling in society for many.

O Padrão Bitcoin (The Bitcoin Standard) | Resumo Arata Academy 29 [b5VzMcZlP9]

Mãos de Diamante: https://arata.se/maosdediamante ___________________________________________ 🔴 ATENÇÃO: a Equipe Arata Academy nunca entra em contato através do YouTube ou outras redes sociais. O único canal oficial de comunicação é por email. Os comentários públicos estão fechados por atividade maliciosa de golpistas. Caso queira comentar este vídeo, receberemos com prazer seus comentários através do formulário oficial em https://arata.se/contato ___________________________________________ Sem padrão-ouro, os governos passaram a imprimir dinheiro sem lastro. O dinheiro fiduciário é uma moeda fraca. E moedas fracas causam vários problemas para a sociedade. Por exemplo, estamos vivendo uma era de inflação alta, guerra cambial, dívidas e muitas crises econômicas. E o bitcoin tem o potencial de redirecionar a humanidade rumo ao uso de uma moeda forte. O bitcoin tem quase todas as características que faziam do ouro uma moeda forte, e ainda conta com vantagens extras. Saifedean Ammous comenta sobre essas vantagens em seu livro O Padrão Bitcoin. É um livro que apresenta várias ideias sobre economia e o papel do dinheiro nas nossas vidas. No Resumo Arata Academy de hoje, nós vamos entender as ideias por trás deste livro que defende que podemos ter um padrão-bitcoin parecido com o que tivemos com o padrão-ouro. Canal oficial para contato (pedidos, perguntas, sugestões, suporte): https://arata.se/contato Assine YouTube: https://arata.se/ytport Facebook: https://arata.se/facebook LinkedIn: https://arata.se/linkedin Instagram: https://arata.se/instagram Twitter: https://arata.se/twitter Pinterest: https://arata.se/pinterest

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