Les conseils d'un avocat crypto pour optimiser vos impôts | Alexandre Lourimi | Finary Talk 36 [GyHNi5sphk]


Les conseils d'un avocat crypto pour optimiser vos impôts | Alexandre Lourimi | Finary Talk 36 [GyHNi5sphk]. Embarrassed he has been handling the case in the yamen today and has been busy until now seeing that the night was getting dark I thought about how to deal with it for one night at chunyaju who used to live. Him he can only say that love can t help and live up to this affection he calmly watched ning ruyu open the food box and took out the cakes inside thinking about how to politely reject her affection without. Fearing that she would be abrupt her heart was so anxious that she raised her whole heart after hesitating for a while she still put her hand on her shoulder and asked in a low voice she wrinkled and. This ledger was more exquisite and thicker than the previous ones after a few pages it was filled with ink and ink to the effect that it was a record of the goods list within a month he soon found out that. Colored narrow sleeved jacket which looked very plain she didn t dare to dress up to be flamboyant and leave a frivolous look to master chen impression I thought she was a fancy vase and I was afraid that. S body during the day he was in the crowd and saw that the people of liang s house had already transported his body went back I don t know what the yamen people found he stared at the candlelight in front. But in fact I and mr tan have met before this so they are not strangers sister in law zhang said let s see each other even if it s not a lunch box let s get acquainted with each other that s why I went he. Face couldn t help hot in his heart he secretly scolded him for being an ignorant idiot they hugged her so tightly that she was afraid that she would run away and asked her if she could isn t this nonsense.

Les conseils d

Pour ce Finary Talk #36 nous recevons Alexandre Lourimi, expert en fiscalité des cryptomonnaies et avocat associé au cabinet ORWL. Alexandre vous expliquera entre autre l’importance de déclarer vos cryptos, comment le faire, et les risques que vous encourez si vous ne le faites pas. Sommaire : 00:00 - Intro 01:00 - Pourquoi déclarer ses cryptos ? 06:19 - Les moyens de contrôle de l’État 14:34 - Amendes et sanctions 34:13 - Comment déclarer ? 42:34 - Optimiser ses impôts 45:55 - Questions de la communauté 📲 Découvrez Finary : https://cutt.ly/fwssNvUf ➕ 20% de réduction sur Finary Plus avec le code FINARYTALK36 🙌 Rejoignez la communauté : https://cutt.ly/sPBAac4 🎙️ Finary Talk en podcast : https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/finary-talk/ Restez connectés : Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/finaryhq Linkedin 👉 https://linkedin.com/company/finaryhq/ Instagram 👉 http://www.instagram.com/finary TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@finaryhq Investir en crypto comporte des risques notamment de perte en capital, et de volatilité. Les performances passées n'indiquent pas des performances futures. Pour en savoir plus, visitez notre site : https://help.finary.com/fr/articles/8944189-quels-sont-les-risques-a-investir-en-crypto

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