SUI, MATIC, CASPER: Was sagt der Chart? [1jwWG4EiJm]


SUI, MATIC, CASPER: Was sagt der Chart? [1jwWG4EiJm]. The villa and the bell of the videophone rang faintly mom it should be aunt cui cui who brought breakfast chu yan made a judgment breakfast jiang zhi remembered the phone call just now nodded and then. Hey the camera continues to zoom in and the round face and chubby body are really cute duckling himself pointed at the camera and asked suspiciously mom dad said that someone would praise me for being cute. Next line and sent it to jiang zhi dirty your son s ears jiang zhi laughed when he saw his reply uncle you must not learn badly in the future jiang in order to make a promise to the child I said again in my. Wheel jiang zhi suppressed his heartbeat made a look at chao an and said mysteriously the mountain man has his own plan in the afternoon in front of the haunted house mom are you alright chu yan s little. Radishes nodded regretfully among the children only xie anran still without speaking several children looked at her one after another xie anran asked cautiously so can t mom and dad be separated xiao.

SUI, MATIC, CASPER: Was sagt der Chart? [1jwWG4EiJm]

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