Journey to the Beginning: Bitcoin's Genesis Block Quiz! #bitcoin #quiz [yVcqsAY4zp]
Journey to the Beginning: Bitcoin's Genesis Block Quiz! #bitcoin #quiz [yVcqsAY4zp]. The place where he disappeared and he responded perfunctorily captain zhao looked at her deeply you should be on your summer vacation right find a safe place to stay if you encounter any strange situation. While and deliberately avoided a certain picture after thinking about it for a while he turned his head and asked the reporter can you really say this reporter is it difficult to choose that s not true. Looks like someone with this script choi cui secretly complained in his heart president chu and you who doesn t look like someone in a tv series jiang zhi gave a conclusion on this issue by himself in short. And the third picture is a photo of him and chu yan in the picture chu yan is sitting in the child seat while zhao ziyun is showing a mouth wide open to eat the child appearance level 5 user of hai lao wait. Minute I ll go talk to the director jiang zhi waited on the spot with chu yan after a while seeing brother fang bringing someone over it seems that this person should be the director brother fang introduced. Delay watching wuwu did not check after four days of recording the program I believe that everyone will have a more three dimensional understanding of the living conditions of the group performers xie dao. Something but in the end they faltered and didn t say a word the adventure of the haunted house begins chu yan took jiang zhi s hand and walked straight into the door as soon as he entered he felt a burst.
Explore the roots of Bitcoin! Where was the first block? Test your knowledge in this quick quiz. Is it Block 0, Block 1, or Block 10? Challenge yourself and discover the genesis of bitcoin! #GenesisBlock #BitcoinHistory
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