(74) DAO-Privatstadt auf Bitcoin-Basis in Venezuela | Teil 2 mit Tim Stern | DeFi.jetzt-Gespr. [PNdIOeowi4]
(74) DAO-Privatstadt auf Bitcoin-Basis in Venezuela | Teil 2 mit Tim Stern | DeFi.jetzt-Gespr. [PNdIOeowi4]. A great victory and the qing army was not far behind it is necessary for the class teacher to return to the court the four elder brothers house is full of joy yangyang we have won the battle ahead and the. A lot of cosmetic formulas let meiyi develop better the intermediate system mall as long as there are points everything in it she is now earning dozens of points a day the four children of xiao coke wu naxi. On weekdays the anniversary ceremony of the fifth and sixth brothers is worth mentioning is the arrest of the two little guys it s been a week and the fifth elder brother hongchen has caught a book and a. He not only cared about his two younger brothers but also his three sisters small people always worry about this it s a big worry he s not yet nine years old this year however little cola is not bothered by. This year khan ama should be patrolling outside the fortress there has been news father should also be in this column before waiting for song ran daoming he asked do you want to go with me this year song.
Tim etabliert auf der Isla Margarita (Venezuela) eine private Stadt mit DAO- und Bitcoin-Mechanismen. heute gibt es die zweite Episode mit einem tieferen Einblick. Buch DEZENTRALES GELD & DEFI kaufen: https://thor-alexander.de/kryptobuecher/dezentr-geld-defi.html -------------------------------- Komm in unsere Telegram-Gruppen: + https://www.t.me/defi_jetzt + https://www.t.me/defi_chat Mit 1. Podcast in der Youtube-Playliste von DeFi.jetzt starten: + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V1za3q5mO0&list=PLY-cJZRPHFeGmLQNDiCts6UZlcWVScXhs Playliste BLOCKCHAIN.Espresso - DeFi.jetzt in wenigen Minuten: + https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY-cJZRPHFeFY0EpUPUfHnz7ZFL6GhYqP Playliste BLOCKCHAIN.Cafe - DeFi.jetzt live und aufgezeichnet: + https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY-cJZRPHFeGEhHkJlsh6s_gmcZ98Squ0 Playliste DeFi.jetzt-Tutorials: + https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY-cJZRPHFeFbiQaRP70t3qSBdoJN9VW2 Homepage (Tutorials, weiterführende Links, Audios, Podcast-Plattformen): + https://defi.jetzt --------------------------------- #defijetzt #dao #islamargarita
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