Fumbi #39: Kedy príde nárast po Bitcoin halvingu? [M2hIveZbtm]


Fumbi #39: Kedy príde nárast po Bitcoin halvingu? [M2hIveZbtm]. Girlfriend before but now I want to be your sister s sister in law is your sister lacking a mother duan zhaoyan a good night s sleep jiang zhi vaguely felt that he had a wonderful dream last night as if it. Actually thinks that part of the reason this happened was because of myself then I ll ask you again today do you want to continue the marriage only then did jiang zhi really realize the meaning of the word. Jiang zhi s hand I ll help my mother with the bag this is the caring service from the son ji yang asked his aunt to follow chu yan to deliver the package zhizhi how many people are there around cui cui. Knocked off the hand that prevented his son from stacking the building blocks then put the building blocks back in front of chu yan and said softly little idiot scratching his son s hair picture who when. Film and television don t be under pressure if it really doesn t work let s withdraw before entering the door yuan mei was still relieved not wanting to put too much pressure on her jiang zhi hugged his.

Fumbi #39: Kedy príde nárast po Bitcoin halvingu? [M2hIveZbtm]

Boris sa vrátil z Japonska ako Pikachu a prináša pohľad na svet kryptomien z ďalekej Ázie. Juraj bol za veľkou mlákou a Daniel pracoval na vylepšovaní produktov pre našich klientov. V 39. časti nášho Fumbi Podcastu sa už v tradičnej zostave preberali nielen novinky zo sveta kryptomien, ale aj z Fumbi. Daniel nám porozprával, aké zmeny nastali v produkte Pokročilé Portfóliá a tiež to, na čo všetko sa ešte v tomto produkte môžeme tešiť. Juraj ďalej vysvetlí, čo si predstaviť pod investovaním do Real World Assets, aký je rozdiel medzi nimi a inými aktívami. A postrehli ste správu, že FTX burza bude vracať svojim klientom peňažné prostriedky? Naši experti na záver tiež diskutujú o tom, kedy príde ten dlhoočakávaný nárast hodnoty Bitcoinu po jeho halvingu. Ste zvedaví? Sledujte náš Fumbi Podcast a buďte vždy v obraze.

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